Sunday, July 02, 2006

Wiped Out

No sooner have my two friends (Jon and Scott)left for fairer shores, I have collapsed in a screaming heap.

Lying here in bed I can reminisce about the past 5 days and only dream of a day when I get more than 5hrs sleep and a clear bill of health.

Cut back to 5 days ago. I was in the process of skipping out of work, spring in step, no more a tachycardic mess, for some annual leave days off,when I caught a glimpse of the latest phone lists that were posted out to ALL care projects and offices of Threshold. My deputy, Spencer, mentioned that they had me on the list.....a sharp pang gripped my myself, I was saying 'They wouldn't would they?.....Surely not...' I gingerly took a closer look only to find that yes...indeed the bastards had....POSTED MY PERSONAL MOBILE NUMBER AS MY CONTACT NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!
And I reiterate - THE BASTARDS!!!!

This means that at least 16 services have me as their fall back guy just as I go on annual leave. Is there no reprieve from this shit of a new job. I am completely frazzled.

So I get a call on Friday regarding some revenue agreements for a recently acquired project in Hampton Wick. Its the deputy manager going on (and on, and on and on and on), about how Kingston PCT are talking about wages not being paid and what is going to happen and how will they be paid and...and...and............ Firstly, can I just say, that I'm new to the role and have no idea of what agreements are in place, what has been promised etc. Secondly, I have no idea about the revenue agreements. Thirdly, I HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT THE REVENUE AGREEMENTS. Fourthly, Im on A/L. (just to point out, I thought this, I didn't say it).

The next call I received was regarding a disciplinary that's going on, which kicked off 2 days after I took on the new role, when both my supervising managers decided to take A/L. Well timed huh!!!!

So Preston is juggling a chain saw of indecision, a flame thrower of ignorance and a machete's worth of WHOOP-ASS.

I have had quite a few days of fun over the last 5 days. I woke up this morning, ready to see off Jon, and get in an afternoon of rest, relaxation, and some preparation time for the oncoming work week. Alas, after only 2 hours of sleep, due to waking up in a complete flu-like sweat coupled with nausea and a brain numbing headache, I feel like crud...What's more - I look like crud. The upcoming week will be full of many firsts - conducting interviews for 2 care manager positions, running a Threshold induction seminar, attending senior manager plus meetings and being handed over the information on 2 of the projects I will be overseeing, I feel like I will be tackling it from a position of complete feverish nausea. Oh joy!!!!

Must say though, the boys being over brought with them a little slice of Oz. A couple of gay boyfriends who definitely call a spade a spade. Guys who don't mince words and tell things to me pretty much straight.



At 8:13 PM, Blogger thermalsatsuma said...

Simple solution is to either switch the phone off, change the default ring tone to silent or swap the sim card for a private one and only give out the number to friends. If you are not being paid to be on call, then you shouldn't have to take phone calls on your own time.

I've had calls when I've been on holiday in Amsterdam and Spain before now ... :-(

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Preston said...

And here I was thinking I was just talking to myself! Thanks for the comment Neil.

Although I could turn my phone off, I was thinking of dealing with it by egging my managers house.....


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