Saturday, May 27, 2006

Let's call a spade a shovel and dig a nice deep hole for me!

Great news folks! I have recently met a lovely guy. We get on very well (translate: he laughs at my jokes).

Both he and I have been subject to a 'torture-style' line of questioning from friends. Alas, only the other day did I realise that my group of friends are in a class (ironically) of their own.
Let me explain.

My new 'friend', has been exposed to a few sessions of questions. These questions have gone along the lines of....lets say.....a modest interest. He has been subjected to such questions (I assume) as:

"What is she like?"

"What type of books does she read?"

"What music is she into?"

I, on the other hand have been subjected to the following:

"Did ya snog 'im?"

"Did ya do 'im?"

"What base have ya gotten to?"

Now I know what you're thinking. All legitimite questions right? But it has got me to thinking.............

When it comes to me introducing a new beau to my friends, it's not so much a case of 'introduce' as it is 'expose' him to them.

I can see it now. We walk in together, a couple, happy and content with each other's company. I 'expose' him to them. Then we leave........separately. He has developed a nervous twitch and a stock standard repetetive answer to the question that has been thrown at him all night. He spends the rest of the night, tossing and turning in bed saying " more pints for me....I REALLY have drunk enough......".

I, on the other hand, am subjected to the ridicule of my friends....
....."he's a bit of a lightweight isn't he.....I was only the 12th round and he opted him a man?"

So I am faced with a dilemma. Introduce him to my friends and hence lose him due to the harsh reality that both myself and my friends are a group of socially unacceptable misfit lushes....


Suggest that I have no friends which leaves me looking like a a misfit social outcast incapable of not only not making friends but not maintaining friends due to my inexcusable ability to call a spade a spade (yes you DO look like an ageing hooker in that outfit).


Maybe I could come up with a great and believable reason for not having friends. One that could see me maintaining my friends (that is, till they read this blog), and maintain a normal relationship (which reads as an oxymoron when pertaining to a Preston heterosexual relationship).

Possible reasons why I dont have friends:

The dog ate them

They're lost in the mail

My 'Preston is a like-able person' potion wore off.

It's against my religion

10 years ago, they went out to pick up some milk and never returned home

I'm a conservative supporter

And the list goes on. In the meantime, I will kick back with a bottle or ten of wine, think about the future, and .............cry.......tears of Shiraz since that is what's running through my veins (would be a 1992 Barolo if I had £ though).


At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want it on the record that I have asked other questions besides didja snog him.

Although I didn't mind hearing the answer to the question either. . .

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Preston said...

Aaaaahhh yes. Your other questions include: Does he wear underwear? And. Has he ever been arrested for indecent assault?

At 12:16 AM, Blogger RichardAlois said...

And I want to stress that it was you who asked me the other day: 'And, did ya do her?' (which of course I did not - at least I don't remember having done it...)


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