Sunday, April 16, 2006

Cycle Diaries
Episode 1
The Aussie Strikes Back

Cycling London can be such fun. It can also be a health hazard.

Preston has committed many traffic offences while giving the proverbial 'finger' to all the lowly car-drivers caught in traffic.....Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha!!!

Preston has been.....pulled out on, car-doored, knocked off her bike, spat at, yelled at, whistled at, glared upon and downright motorists and pedestrians alike.
And Prestons just gotta say.

Right back at cha PEOPLE!!!!

You see, my view is, the Preston express is comin' through and aint no-one gonna stop her.

That's why I have to say, that this morning, I had one of the nicest rides. Was on my way to work, was Sunday morning at about 9:30am, mid easter long weekend.Sun was out, there was a crisp feel to the air. It wasn't cold. I had my 'fast'shades on. The kinda shades which say I'm up to no good.

There was practically nobody on the road....just how I like it.....using the road like it's my own.Which it is!

Only problem is, that the people you do get out on the road are OAP's (for the unitiated, that Old Age Pensioners). Yep, I reckon they're all on their way to church.All driving like the OAP outta Ferris Buellers Day Off.

I overtook one. No....not one walking along the street....she was driving along Garrett Lane, (a main road in Wandsworth). I couldn't believe it! At first I didn't know what or who I was dealing with.I was waiting for her to speed up, thinking she must of been applying lipstick or lighting a fag. But no, no speeding up. So Preston has a better look, and the silhouette of that ill-fitting afro-type wig gave away that she was a paying member of the Grey Brigade. Preston thought to this a chance for me to brag (well....cmon....just a little bit guys)....brag that she has become so strong on Ruprect, that she overtakes cars now!!!!


I have! Damn good knee is still performing. Lungs are still giving out a performance close to that of Phar Lap.

I overtook and sped off! Laughing maniacally whilst listening to Soundgarden's Burden in My Hand.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the pure freedom of it.

Except....I was on my way to a 29 hour shift.


I just came back to ground level (sob).


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