Sunday, April 02, 2006


Preston has big ideas! Preston is gonna be a star. She's gonna take on the world.... one country at a time.

Ok. I'm dreamin', but I've just done something I've wanted to do for years. Bought a guitar!!

Damn my procrastination!

I tried learning the guitar about 10 years ago. Had a friend that played and he wanted to teach me. I wish I had of capitalised on that opportunity. But it fell through, and at the time I was gleaning my skills in other areas......playing pool, drinking beer and generally having a fucking good time (excuse the language, but its the ONLY way to describe that time in my life).

So here I am, murdering the sound of a beautiful instrument and pushing the boundaries in human tolerance (my neighbours and flat mates).

Just about every one I've told has been like....'go for it girl'. Except one friend who suggested I was going through a mid-life crisis. I didn't expect that comment or even think about it like that. Age is such a contentious issue with people. Actually it shits me! Being the procrastinator I am, I guess I will get a lot of that along the way. Other things I want to do, like get my motor bike license, study drama, take singing lessons, scuba dive, and travel the world like a hippy, will probably incite similar comments. So can I just say now...........


Youth is wasted on the young and if I wanna take up something new at the age of 40, 55, 68....or who knows when...then thank god, because it means I'm not stagnating in my own age discriminating bubble!

Aaaaaaargh... got that gem off my ample chest!

So, back to the guitar, my aspirations of many a male groupie, and world travel/domination.

I have chosen the first song I wanna learn. In a few days, I'm sure you will see that I have been listening to a band named Dashboard Confessional (check out my links). They have a song called 'Vindicated', which I have been listening to the acoustic version of. It seems like easy chords (once I can play the bloody things), and the lyrics are fab. The way he sings it seems raw and strung out. I love it. I wanna go somewhere like a beach or a field. Somewhere where I am alone with only the birds to cover their ears. Then I wanna belt that tune out!

And belt it out I will!

Heard another song the other day. I'm starting to listen out for songs that have an acoustic edge and seem to be just chords. Heard a song by Jose Gonzalez called Heartbeats. That will be a song I will attempt as well. The lyrics and singing are smooth. I love him! Would like to work up to playing like him.

I want to write songs and lyrics. Maybe put some of the poems I have written to music.I get impatient - excited to get home quickly, so I can practise. My fingers are sore, but I take it in 15 minute stints so I can give them relief. I have noticed in the last 2 days, that my fingers are curling more naturally over the strings. I'm having to correct them less (but still I am constantly fluffing it - which I expect - so I'm on track). When I play a chord back, string by string, I'm holding the chord more accurately. Yaaaaaaaay!!!

But the road is long......with many a winding turn......


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