Wolfmother - Back from the musical era that civilisation forgot!!
Last night I dragged my flatty - Thomas, to see a fab band called Wolfmother. These guys have to be seen and heard to be believed. As Thomas describes them, they are a mix of Led Zeppllin meets The Doors meets AC/DC meets White Stripes. A fairly accurate description I feel.
I cant remember the last time I saw a guitarist jump off stage speakers and slide around on their back as part of the act. Great stuff.
The band are Aussie, so of course, we were surrounded by Aussies. Aussies have such a sense of fair play. Whilst at the bar, which was rammed with thirsty Aussies, the bartender went to serve a guy next to me. The guy deferred her to me because I was there before him. I, in turn, deferred to the guy to my right, who was before me. Quite a funny scenario. We all had a chuckle.
So often you hear about people who, when faced with a queue jumper, will choose not to confront them. Not Preston. The sheer rudeness and audacity of them! I am not afraid to not only confront them, but to point out where the queue starts....for them. I have been faced with quite a few responses to this scenario. One is the ignorance plea....'ooohhhh sorry I didn't realise', which usually will elicit the Preston response,(head tilted to one side oozing rhetoric) '....really?'
Then there's the complete ignore job, which happened in Superdrug Brixton. This chick completely pushed in front of me after I had been waiting for about 5 minutes. Not a chance. The exchange went something like this....
Preston: 'Excuse me, but I'm next.'
Ignorant Pushy-Inny Bitch: (nothing - no recognition that I had spoken)
Preston: (tap on the shoulder) 'The queue starts back there........'
Ignorant Pushy-Inny Bitch: 'Dont touch me....that is assault.'
Preston: (spluttering laughing) 'Your kiddin right?' (facing the rest of the queue or witnesses as I like to call them) 'Does anyone reckon that was assault?'
Ignorant Pushy-Inny Bitch: (nuthin....is completely ignoring I exist now)
Preston: (realising that she needs a new tack, addresses the cashier) 'You're gonna serve me next right?'
Wide eyed cashier: ( mouth open and looking nervously between me and Ignorant Pushy-Inny Bitch calls for security)
Security I ask you!!!!!!!!!!
Preston: (to security) 'Listen, she pushed in, I'm next, and she's a very rude person.'
By this stage, the rest of the queue are finding their voice and backing me up. Also, the cashier is ready for the next customer. Ignorant Pushy-Inny Bitch is now being questioned by security. Preston steps up to the counter and promptly gets served. Preston then slips away without being seen leaving an impending riot unraveling behind her!!!
It's a principal thing guys. I hate queues like the rest of you, but they serve a purpose. It just comes down to plain good manners. If you let someone push in then you condone their actions by your lack of voice. Also, I wouldn't feel true to myself if I let someone get away with such rudeness without pointing out their obvious folly. If it gets me nowhere, then at least I have said something rather than being an ineffectual drone who, will not only not challenge people, but then moan and whinge about them.
I guess the moral of this story is....