Sunday, February 12, 2006

Tighty tight tight Lycra

Yet again the time has come to sink into the sofa with a cup of strong coffee and marvel at how grown people can pull off the tight fluro-coloured lycra look without being boo-hooed off the world stage.

It's Winter Olympics time again!

Where fashion leaves nothing to the imagination, showing every muscle(yes....every one!), every ripple, every curve. A weight watching nightmare to boot! It's just one long anatomy lesson in technicolour.

Which brings me to a couple of events which defy sanity. Firstly, the ski jump. A 100 meter ramp, which skiers launch themselves off in a 'human cannonball' style, landing around 100 meters down the slope.

Sheer madness! What brings these people to the point where they think...'yeah...that's a good idea..'Are they driven by some wild deathwish? My theory is, any sport which requires a full helmet, yet doesn't require a vehicle, is insane.

The Luge? Reaching speeds of 130 km/hr on a sled. Hurtling down an oversized drainpipe(once again in lycra), with the only thing separating them from death being a full face helmet and what looks to me like sheer luck. The closest I've got to this would be my athletic water slide days. I didn't need a helmet though.

Maybe countries which impose capital punishment could make a sport out of it. Instead of the modes being lethal injection, electric chair, or firing squad, we could see Luge, ski jump, and Super G. Candlelight vigils outside prisons would be a thing of the past,replaced by people holding scorecards trackside.

Just a thought.


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