Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Dating the Modern Way

I can recall a time when dating consisted of being introduced to someone through a friend. Not very technical, yet it seemed to work. Modes for dating also consisted of meeting people through.....joining a class, playing a sport, meeting at a party...just to name a few. Very sound ways for meeting people because, on the chance that its not love at first site, you can often get a few 'goes' at getting to know them. More often than not, one didn't realise that friends had set them up.Due to the stealth-like qualities of my friends, it was only realised way into the night when, upon perusing the crowd, I would find that yes.....indeed only two of us seem to be single. I really hate set ups....you know the ones....where at a dinner party it is painfully obvious that the guy sitting opposite you is a 'plant'.....single, willing....actually very single and too willing. And yet, this situation still enables you to be polite, excuse yourself and slip away from the situation with both participants with dignity intact.

So........I hear you say....get to the point.

Well........for the past few years, I have been 'resorting' to internet and phone dating. And folks, its a social jungle out there.

A couple of months ago, I got back on a couple of sites after some time in hibernation. I feel the need to point out some absolute no-nos done by some of the men on the sites.

Absolute No-Nos

1. Your main photo should not EVER include a prop. My definition of prop covers basically anything that isn't the guy. For example, guns, fish, dogs, cats, fishing rods, cars, children, ex-girlfriends, propellor planes and superhero capes. What earthly reason would lead a guy to post a photo of himself leaning against the bonnet of a car toting a rifle? A photo where you are holding your girlfriend, yet, have just erased her face from the shot screams....and I quote "....You took away the headstones but you left the bodies....." (Poltergeist 1982).

2. Dont ever wear plaid in the photo. Why on earth should you alert the girl to poor dress sense even before meeting them? Wait till the first date, where possibly you can win her over with witty repartee.

3. Semi naked photos are wrong....just wrong. Poor taste guys. It screams 'love myself' and 'you've got buckleys of me loving you more than I love myself'.

4. In your write up, dont just simply use 50 adjectives to describe yourself. Eg affectionate, solvent, confident, adventurous. It's just a wank. Adventurous? Adventurous in what? Do you trek mountains or just cross the road when the red light is flashing?

5. When stating what you want in a woman, try not to make it too shallow. Quoting body measurements is just plain rude. Stating that you dont do fat,plump or slightly overweight will not only limit you to less than 50% of the women on the site, yet rule out those with slim figures on the basis that they think you're a wank,(well....it does for me anyway).

What I look for in a guy? A write up that gives me a little glimpse of them. Whether it be a hang up they have or a passion for something. I like men who are creative, intelligent, kind and gentle. Guys where it is a possibility they will cry in a movie. Its not a pre-requisite though....they only have to seem like they will.

It is not uncommon for me to find the same men on the sites that I did several years ago, still with the same photos(toting guns, fish and girlfriends). With any luck, they will read this blog and realise the error of their ways!!!

So all up, I will continue my intrepid search for a man who will both put up with me whilst truly believing I'm fabulous.


At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer, good blog. Never ventured into internet dating but was preparing too when Gareth came along. Susan did once - the guy ended up being 4foot7. Unforunate. Keep the blogs coming - they are fun. xox Julie


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