Surrounded By IdiotsI had every intention of blogging on anothetr topic this evening, but I took an e-detour just prior to writing and ended up in Brain Dead Central!!!!!
I HAVE TO BLOG ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok. My sordid TV-watching past has included reality shows. I admit it. I was addicted. I knew it was wrong. Like any addiction, I kept it very well hidden for quite some time.
But I overcame it, and, like an ex-smoker (well, a smug pious ex-smoker), I looked down on the reality watcher. I outspokenly heralded the error of their ways.
So tonight, on the way to Blogspot I stopped off at the
Big Brother website. Why you ask? Well, was switching channels when I accidently came across the Big brother Little Brother TV show. I tuned in for about 2 minutes. I then thought....what the heck...I will go to the website and check what the contestants are like.
And I was faced with the most mundane, egocentirc, brain-dead group of people known to man.
I went straight to the profiles to get an idea of what part of the pond, the scum came from. predicted, looks like the bottom.
So what I did. I clicked on a face. I looked at their age, their occupation, their desciption of themselves and then what their favourite books and fims were. Oh bless. The complete moronity of it all actually surprised me.
One girl in particular who describes herself as intelligent but hates jokes because she doesnt get them, listed her favourite book as Victoria Beckham's Learning to Fly.
No....I mean REALLY??????
NO REALLY....I MEAN REALLY?????????????????????????????????????
Firstly, I had no idea Ms Beckham had a book. Secondly, if you were intelligent would you read a Victora Beckham book? Thirdly, if you were intelligent, wouldn't you get jokes. I mean, humour is a lateral way of thinking. Yes, there are jokes I dont get due to local idiosyncrasies. There are jokes that takes a few seconds for the penny to drop for me...but overall I get them.
Another girl, (a model/dancer which probably translates as a hooker), cited her favourite films as Clueless and Legally Blonde, and her favourite books as The Sport, The Sun, The Star, and The Complete Rule book to Find Mr Right. Hmmmmm...maybe that should read...The Complete Rule Book to find Mr Trite.
For those unfamiliar with these titles, I can only say that I am almost too upset to keep blogging. The first 3 titles are very right wing tabloids that cater to every sub-intelligent, tit-oggling, football hooligan type's dream. Tabloids which exploit women, and marginalise the significance that women contribute. Brain dead front pages which exploit people's fears.
Front pages which promote vigilantism by presenting skewed subjective pseudo-facts. I simply cannot express in words the disdain I feel for the gutter press that is the British tabloid.
But getting back to my original blog.
Other favourite books are 'Not known' (my guess because they've never read one) and 'Jordans Autobiography'...................hold on....what's that? Is it just me or has this contestant not only named that book as her favourite but....low and behold...not even known the title of it?????
Oh....and dont get me started on their favourite movies.
I have always wondered what stupid people think about when they are pondering to themselves. Maybe what they are thinking can I become a contestant on Big Brother.